Wednesday 6 September 2017

Pasta with ham, onions, peas and cheese!

Boil water for the pasta, lid on

Add pasta and return to the boil, lid off.  A bamboo spoon (maybe 2 chopsticks??) will prevent the pasta water from boiling over.

Pasta, drained of water.  Do not rinse if using hot.
Leftover pasta I rinsed and froze; I will use them in soup when the weather cools down!
While cooking the pasta I put chunks of sliced ham and a package of frozen peas in the frypan.

I added the drained pasta.  to make the sauce I put 30 mL of butter into the mixture, about 250 mL of milk (or cream) and 125 mL - 250mL of grated parmesan cheese. 

I added chopped green onion, instead of adding chopped red or white onion.

If you like more sauce add more milk etc.  Serve with fresh ground black pepper.

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