Friday 18 December 2015

Matrimonial - Date squares from Company's coming

I oil and use parchment paper; the paper allows you to remove the large square and cut outside of the pan.
Use large flake oats, not instant.  Steel cut is the process of making the flake.

Dry ingredients; remember to use dry measures, and level off ingredients.

Brown sugar is measured by pressing firmly to push out air between the big crystals.

Use the markings on the package.

I use the microwave to melt and cook in; no burnt pots or food!

yes, I boil the dates in the microwave until soft and water is absorbed.

Bake the base.  To push the base firmly you can push down on parchment paper or use the flat side of your measuring cup.

Drop blobs of date onto the base then connect the dots so you don't pull up the crumb mixture.

Drop the crumb mixture around the top and connect the dots to avoid pulling up the date mixture.

Finished, baked bar - allow to cool. I trimmed the edges before cutting.
I used the steel, bench scraper above to cut the bars.


  1. Corrected with a new photo....sorry about the delay.

  2. I've been making these for years and always a big it & request at any pot lucks. I like the idea of parchment paper.
