Friday, 19 June 2015

Tortoni frozen dessert - coffee (forgot to post the last thing I made for students!)

Collect all ingredients, recipe, measures and equipment.  Whipping cream is 33% milk fat.
I used pasteurized egg white, fresh can be used.

Egg whites were whipped first, you can then use the same whisk attachment for the whipping cream.
Fat can not come in contact with the bowl or whisk, that is why you do the egg whites in grease free equipment.
IF you  did the cream first, the egg whites could not trap air and would not foam.

Whipping cream, coffee granules and sugar.
DO not overbeat whipping cream - it turns into butter!  It would not fold into the egg whites.
Gently fold in with a spatula.  Prepare pans
the tortoni is scooped into the muffin, baking liners.  Put in the freezer overnight or until frozen.
An italian biscuit could be placed in the bottom of the liner.  Excellent garnished with toasted almond flakes and a maraschino cherry.

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