Saturday 5 August 2017

Lemon meringue pie! I used a box of Sheriff pie filling.....

Shrinkage from NOT chilling the pastry dough! I put a steel pie plate to weight the pastry down while baking

I microwave all of my fillings; they can not burn and the microwave stops cooking immediately. 

Cool the shell and the filling before putting the pie together.

I love meringue.  2 egg whites just wasn't enough for my taste; next time I will use 4 egg whites.

Male certain you attach the meringue to the pastry or it will shrink away and expose the lemon filling. 

Browned meringue; follow directions on the box

The flakiest pastry is made from lard. I use the recipe on the Tenderflake box.  No vegetarians in my house - lard is animal fat, jello uses animal product as well.

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